Wow! What an amazing year 2017 turned out to be for us at Devonport Craft & Fine Food Market. We had a brilliant first year - met some incredible people and made lots of new friends. Each month brought something new to delight and impress us - we feel very privileged to have been amongst so many talented craftspeople.
In the true tradition of the New Year heralding new beginnings - we are going to try something new at our Markets in 2018.
Firstly, a change of venue - we've taken on board the feedback from our stallholders and have been looking, for a while now, for a venue closer to Victoria Road and the cafes and coffee shops. So, with that in mind we are going to move a hop, skip and a jump away to the Harmony Hall on Wynyard Street, which seems to meet our criteria.
Although this new venue doesn't offer so much outside space - we will still be able to offer a couple of spots out the front (and I think I already know which of our regulars will want to snap those up!).
The inside space is good - and there is a large room that we could use to run some hands-on crafting sessions if any of our stall holders are keen to showcase their talents - we will be following up on that idea very soon.
Another new marketing idea we are going to trial is to get some helpers wearing old fashioned 'sandwich boards' walking around the local area - as well as some new signage that will be going up very soon ... the ideas are flowing!!
So, we hope to welcome lots of stallholders and customers alike in 2018.
I hope to see you soon.